Maximizing Leadership Impact
with Emotional Intelligence
To be a highly effective supervisor or office manager today, you must be a strategist, a coach, a mediator, a diplomat and a politician! The core competencies of emotional intelligence (EQ) are at the heart of successful leadership. Emotions impact your team’s decisions, behavior and performance. An effective leader must have strong interpersonal skills and impactful relationships if their organizations are also to be highly effective. A strong foundation of emotional intelligence helps leaders assess their own behavior and their workplace culture through an emotional intelligence lens and provides strategies to ensure that the emotional intelligence and well-being of employees and team members are suitably protected.
Managing Self
Time management, stress management, and conflict management are all misnomers. We can no more manage time, stress or conflict than we can manage the tides or seasons or the course of our beautiful planet hurtling through space. The best we can do is manage ourselves in relation to those things. At times, this self-management may take the form of influencing others to act; at times, it might involve technological change; at other times, it may be an adaptation; and sometimes, it even takes the form of acceptance.
Leading and Influencing Others
Office managers have many complex, interrelated responsibilities. They determine how an organization’s work gets done and by whom. They coach staff, motivate them and hold them accountable. They organize work processes and develop plans for how their team will reach its goals. Performing these core managerial activities successfully is critical to being an effective manager.
The office manager also plays a vital role in leading people through organizational change.
Whether you’re interacting with colleagues, subordinates or senior management, gaining respect and cultivating influence is essential to your success. You must communicate your ideas persuasively to senior management, influence your colleagues to support your proposals and convince your team to “buy in.” You must know how to analyze your audience and frame your messages in what makes others feel connected to you. At this vital leadership session, you will discover the seven essential influence strategies that successful leaders understand and apply. You will:
Controlling Time, Stress and Negative,
Emotions in the Workplace
Every day, you're judged by your capacity to manage projects, priorities and deadlines. Your ability to execute plans and projects effectively and on time is critical to your success. Without a doubt, the stress of doing more with fewer resources and tighter timelines will only intensify over the 20th decade. It is important to recognize stress's sources, symptoms and effects and develop strategies for effectively
preventing, reducing, and managing it. This essential module is about control - learning to control your time, projects and reactions to events beyond your control. You will be able to adjust to shifting demands in a more professional self-confident stress-free manner. Specifically, you will:
Acquiring Powerful New Skills of Memory and Concentration
To master your memory is to invite success in business, education and your relationships. A
trained memory is an absolute necessity in today's competitive work environment. In your business or professional life, as well as in your social life, the ability to remember names and faces, appointments, numerical data, what you read, and to deliver an impromptu talk is of immeasurable importance. Past participants have said that learning to deliver speeches and presentations without the need for notes was worth the cost of this course. At this extraordinary session, Dr. Douglas, who has developed his memory to a remarkable degree, will teach you will...
At the Effective Office Managers Course, you will gain valuable new insights into dealing more effectively with subordinates, colleagues, bosses and clients -- even when they are at their worst!